Science & Education


The basics & beyond… 

Cannabis science courses

in partnership with 420 Organics

The team at 420 Organics in collaboration with industry experts, scientists and educators have created high-quality, accessible, affordable education for learners of all levels in mind, from novice to expert. The courses are structured so they can be taken as comprehensive programs,  themed packages, or in short, topic-specific lectures. 

Biology for Academics…

Modern Cannabis Science by Dr. Vergara &  Dr. Schwabe @CUBoulder 

An academic focused course offered by CU Boulder that is geared towards anyone interested in learning evidence – based Cannabis information. 

– Cannabis Taxonomy (“strains”)

– Biology of phenotypic traits, like cannabinoid production, leaf shape, etc. 

– Backed by the latest scientific literature


Connecting cannabis and cutting-edge science… 

Psychedelic Science for the People

Join Host Emily Fata for conversational interviews with scientists and physicians studying cannabis and psychedelics. 

Creating A New Generation of Tradesmen…

Bioinformatics Education & Training

AGF will be educating the next generation of data scientists and bioinformaticians through cannabis genetic and genomic research.

Education in Cannabis Biology required to support the growing industry demands

– Social Equity through Scientific Literacy

 Marker Assisted Breeding Program will enhance the cultivation of cannabis in a variety of environments for its use in agriculture and medicine industries.

Coming soon…

Make a donation today to make this a reality!


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Cannabis Research Goals

An Ultra-high density genetic map of Cannabis

Genetic maps -the arrangement of genes and their particular positions into chromosomes- provide indispensable information about the location of and distances between genes, which then allows for informed breeding decisions that can be used to rapidly combine the desired traits of interest into a single strain.

The hybrid origins of modern Cannabis cultivars

This project focuses on the more recent breeding work that has been done in the genus, to identify which genomic regions in each modern cultivar come from C. indica, C. sativa, C. ruderalis or other yet unnamed lineages.

Morphologic differences between Cannabis strains

In this project, we're engaging the public in the scientific process of understanding whether indeed morphologic differences between the commonly used Cannabis strains (or species) exist. Even though we are uncertain of the number of Cannabis species and we are unsure we can find pure accessions because most of the plants have been hybridized, we hope to establish whether true differences in leaf shape between the common plants occur.

History, phylogeny and phylogeography of Cannabis

This project will sequence numerous pure C. sativa, C. indica, and C. ruderalis accessions and heirloom varieties to develop our understanding of the relationships among the major lineages within the genus, the spread of Cannabis throughout the globe, and rates of historical hybridization between the named species.